
Bill and Katya go to Hawaii

On Saturday, Katya and I signed up to go parasailing, with Hawaiian Parasail, Inc.

The basic parasailing trip lasts about an hour on the boat, but only 8-10 minutes in the air...
Initially it sounded like a pretty short trip up into the skies ... but to be honest, once
you are up there and have enjoyed the view, there's really not a lot else to do.
I didn't bring my own camera, because I didn't want to get it wet...

The following pics are a mixture of digital and film ... so the color response is a little different.
The digital pics were taken with my camera, by one of the passengers on the boat. The film pics
were taken by the parasailing crew. The digital camera seem to pick up the blue of the sky a little
more vibrantly, in case you're curious which camera is responsible for a particular image...

The motorboat sped out on the ocean, taking us a good distance from land...

Very eager to go, we were the first ones in the group to go up...

As the motorboat speeds away, we take off for the skies...

Katya gives them the "go ahead" sign...

Up, up, and away!!!

I'm sailing away...

Oh, we're just hanging around ... what are you up to?

Hey, is that William Shatner I see??

Believe it or not, I'm walking on air...


I'm on the Top of the World, looking down on creation...

Looks like they're starting to reel us in...

They'll even dunk you in the water, if you like...

Just getting our feet wet...

And we're coming in for a landing...

Back on the boat after a fabulous ride...

The guys did such an awesome job, we wanted to take a picture with them...

Apparently, Bobby and Peter Brady went parasailing with the same outfit...

This was on the ride back, Katya is a vertiable "Dr. Doolittle",
and makes friends with all the animals she meets...

A few hours later...

Another "off the balcony" picture, taken just after the sun went down...

Met up with Ashley (former MI Transylvanian), and several of her friends...

Wandering around Wakiki, under the tiki torches w/ Ashley

Group picture!

We spied a glass elevator, so we sought it out and took a ride...

The illuminated triangular dome you are seeing is where we had dinner,
"The Top of Wakiki" rotating restaurant. Excellent food!

Night-time in Waikiki attracts a lot of tourists, and a variety of street entertainers...

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